1905 to 1963
In 1905, after a competition to choose the name, Sinalco emerged. The name was inspired by the Latin “sine alcohole” (without alcohol) and registered as a worldwide trademark. In 1907 we created one of the first franchise models and began sending our concentrates into the world. That led to us quickly becoming one of the first non-alcoholic beverages to go international and we began supporting our partners to set up their own local production facilities to bring Sinalco to their customers. In 1937 the “Red Dot” logo was developed, making Sinalco instantly recognisable worldwide. 1950 saw the creation of the classic Sinalco bottle – a revolutionary design that boosted the brand to become a household name into the 1960s.

1964 to 2000
Throughout the Swinging Sixties, Sinalco became a soft drink of choice in Europe. In 1979 the legendary jingle, “Die Sinalco schmeckt” was adopted as the sound of Sinalco. It’s a sound that still swings, as it’s fondly remembered across Germany. Here, after the advertising success of the jingle and with our iconic bottle, Sinalco was virtually synonymous with lemonade. Throughout the latter half of the 20th-century, we kept our distinctive “Red Dot” logo and expanded even further across Europe and the rest of the world. Even with a facelift of our bottle to celebrate the millennium, our “Red Dot” stayed at the heart of our identity.

2001 to 2009

2010 until today
In 2010, as we entered a new decade, it was time to adapt our brand image for a new age, and our famous “Red Dot” got a 3D makeover to bring it up to date without losing the heritage look. Our logo may have had a makeover, but our mission and the quality of our recipes stayed the same – as ever, Sinalco remains true to itself. Globally, our focus has been on expansion in Africa, supported by the launch of our export business as we have started shipping finished products direct to international markets.